c o n n e c t . n e t w o r k . p a r t n e r
We may be ‘all in this together’, but we won’t all come out of this altogether. Some of us will go right back to work and some of us never left. For most of us, life is forever changed in ways we never imagined.
Eventually from all this, opportunity will arise.
Fresh side-hustles will sprout and new careers will evolve.
Passions and interests and enthusiasm and ambitions will collide and converge … if only for now, over video-call.
sales partnerships & profitable collaborations
Photography/Handcrafted Artwork:
Empowering Others through Financial Literacy:
Positive, research-based
Life Wellness/Inspiration topics
& possible curriculum extension.
handcrafted artwork
If someone you know is looking for new opportunities:
Commission paid on all sales* of
handcrafted photography artwork
The 50-piece collection is inspired by nostalgic urban artifacts and the beauty of the natural world.
Go Behind the Art and learn the stories and histories of some of life's most awesome things.
Made-to-order, each available in three (3) sizes; plus free shipping
Sell professionally or through personal social networks. Bonuses on quantity.
commissioned sales
financial literacy education
Financial literacy is more important than ever
After this pandemic, what will the economy broadly, and our specific financial situations look like?
Just like a person’s physical health prior to the outbreak made a world of difference in the ability to weather this pandemic - to even survive - the same is true for our financial health.
Financial Literacy Workshops
Workshop I:
Managing Life's Basic Money Matters
Workshop II:
Building Wealth & Getting Ahead
Interested in organizing your own; or marketing financial literacy workshops to school, community or parent groups?